How Being Adopted Sparked My Entrepreneurial Spirit


Entrepreneurship has been art of my heart and soul since I was a kid.  It recently crossed my mind that maybe adoption prepared me for entrepreneurship in some way.  Maybe it prepared me for the adversity?  Maybe it gave me a hunger for doing things differently?  Maybe it made me more able to face rejection?

I thought about it a bit and shared my thoughts on America Adopts!  Check it out here.  Share with anyone you think might relate and please give me your thoughts!  Can being an adopted kid really influence your career choice?

And remember to support That Adopted Girl in creating self-worth empowerment events for girls in the foster care system by sharing on social media and making donations (100% of which go towards the organization) at

All the best,


My Abandonment Was Better Than Yours


Abandoned child syndrome is a behavioral or psychological condition that results primarily from the loss of one or both parents, or sexual abuse. Abandonment may be physical (the parent is not present in the child’s life) or emotional (the parent withholds affection, nurturing, or stimulation). Continue reading

5 Reasons Adopted People Won’t Mention That They are Adopted


1. You might ask who our “real” parents are and it is exhausting to explain that our adoptive parents are our real parents. It’s kind of like explaining where babies come from. Continue reading

Everyone is healing. Be patient…


We are healing from wounds of abandonment, loss, rejection, and neglect. We are healing from wounds of low self worth, financial struggle, disruption, and longing. Continue reading

That Cliche Single Girl


I Am That Cliché Single Girl. Continue reading

Love always, The Kid You Gave Away


Dear Birth Parents,

How are you? I miss you. I can only hope that you miss me too. Do you wonder what I’m doing? I wonder what you are doing everyday. I wonder what your personalities are like and what traits of mine are similar to yours. I have this goofy laugh that I’m sure…. Continue reading

Orphan Refuses Kim Kardashian’s Adoption Offer.


People often envy kids adopted by uber famous celebrities such as Angelina Jolie and Sandra Bullock. It almost seems like winning the lottery. You weren’t born in to the family but you won the adoption lottery and now get to live a life of fame and fortune!! People don’t seem to realize that winning the adoption lottery means you first have to lose your biological family in one way or another. Continue reading

Either Brave Enough or Crazy Enough – The Piece That Started It All


 This is near and dear to my heart, the piece that started it all.  This is my chapel talk from my senior year at Webb.  The day I gave this talk was the first time since the day of my birth that I had my mom, dad, birth mom and birth dad all in one place at the same time.  That will probably never happen again.  Well….maybe on my wedding day if I’m lucky.

 I wrote this when I was 17, in the middle of a mental breakdown, getting ready to graduate, and finally either brave enough or crazy enough to vocalize my feelings about being adopted in front of all 4 participating parental parties.  This is when I seriously started working on understanding myself in terms of being an adopted kid and started to work towards understanding other adopted kids and adoption situations.    

So, here it is….

CHAPEL TALK (2007) Continue reading

One Big Difference Between Your Adopted Kid and Your Biological Kid


Get us day 1 or year 5, we come with bags packed. Mine is pink and glittery, with some dents, gashes and stains.

I carry it with me everywhere  I go :).  

Adoptive parents are the best when they help you unpack, see what you’ve got, organize and rearrange it and lighten the load.

Sometimes that takes a while.  But it’s worth the time.

LOVE always and forever,


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Embracing My Inner Adopted Child (America Adopts)


I wrote a new article for !!

Therapy, introspection, empathy, education: none of this means that I have it all under control.

I still have times when I am triggered by something and my inner adopted child is uncontrollable.

It’s not that I can’t handle or understand the emotions, but I definitely can’t stop them…..


LOVE always and forever,


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