Love always, The Kid You Gave Away


Dear Birth Parents,

How are you? I miss you. I can only hope that you miss me too. Do you wonder what I’m doing? I wonder what you are doing everyday. I wonder what your personalities are like and what traits of mine are similar to yours. I have this goofy laugh that I’m sure…. Continue reading

Either Brave Enough or Crazy Enough – The Piece That Started It All


 This is near and dear to my heart, the piece that started it all.  This is my chapel talk from my senior year at Webb.  The day I gave this talk was the first time since the day of my birth that I had my mom, dad, birth mom and birth dad all in one place at the same time.  That will probably never happen again.  Well….maybe on my wedding day if I’m lucky.

 I wrote this when I was 17, in the middle of a mental breakdown, getting ready to graduate, and finally either brave enough or crazy enough to vocalize my feelings about being adopted in front of all 4 participating parental parties.  This is when I seriously started working on understanding myself in terms of being an adopted kid and started to work towards understanding other adopted kids and adoption situations.    

So, here it is….

CHAPEL TALK (2007) Continue reading

One Big Difference Between Your Adopted Kid and Your Biological Kid


Get us day 1 or year 5, we come with bags packed. Mine is pink and glittery, with some dents, gashes and stains.

I carry it with me everywhere  I go :).  

Adoptive parents are the best when they help you unpack, see what you’ve got, organize and rearrange it and lighten the load.

Sometimes that takes a while.  But it’s worth the time.

LOVE always and forever,


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Set free and worthy


So, this has nothing to do with adoption.  I was thrown off track for a while and this is the last thing I have because of the track I was thrown on to.  So, I thought I would share it with you anyway.  That Adopted Girl Set Free & Worthy Newsletter

…..ADOPTION EXPERT back in action.

By the way…I will be doing a newsletter every other week that you can sign up for at  It’ll be interesting :).  Like an e-mail between friends.  Not like a 5 page newsletter with a million different things to search through.  That’s not my style.

LOVE always and forever,


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Embracing My Inner Adopted Child (America Adopts)


I wrote a new article for !!

Therapy, introspection, empathy, education: none of this means that I have it all under control.

I still have times when I am triggered by something and my inner adopted child is uncontrollable.

It’s not that I can’t handle or understand the emotions, but I definitely can’t stop them…..


LOVE always and forever,


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What Growing Up In An Open Adoption Taught Me


I can’t believe it has almost been a year since I first wrote this for America Adopts!

Juliana, who works for a non-profit organization in Las Vegas and recently started an MBA program, hopes that sharing her story will give others a deeper understanding about what it means to grow up in an open adoption. To find out more about her and her thoughts about adoption, visit her Facebook page, That Adopted Girl

1. What does open adoption mean to you?

It is having the ability to ask your birth parents the questions that adoptees in closed adoptions rarely get answered. It means never wondering if you were given up because your birth parents didn’t love you or didn’t want you. It means being able to develop a thorough understanding of how and why you wound up somewhere other than in a home with your biological parents. At least this is what I experience/experienced.

Read More…

LOVE always and forever,


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Realizing Your Self Worth


“Your outlook on life is a direct reflection on how much you like yourself.” ~ Lululemon

“My existence on this earth is pointless.”

That thought crossed my mind every night before I fell asleep.

It had been several months since I graduated from high school and I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. My future plans were falling to pieces, and everyone around me kept telling me that I needed to start accomplishing things that I had not yet accomplished. Continue reading

A Quick Thought on Relinquished Kids Killing Themselves

Adopted kids have an increased chance of early death.  Is this because of the stress?  Heartache?  Do these things take such a toll on us that we live shorter lives?

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